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More Meat Variety in Davidson Thanks To Carolina Craft Butchery

Pretty Butchery Woman working.

Meat lovers in Davidson now have more meat choices ever since Carolina Craft Butchery launched here in May last year. And in addition to bringing more meat variety to the community, you can expect better quality meat as well, as Carolina Craft Butchery’s offerings are all locally sourced and grown.

Meaty beginnings

Carolina Craft Butchery is owned by husband and wife Lee and Domisty Menius. Prior to opening the butchery, the Meniuses were already operating Wild Turkey Farms, which is based in China Grove and has been in the Menius family for over 100 years. The farm produces 100% grass-fed beef, free-range eggs, and pasture-raised pork and poultry, and used to sell the products at the Davidson Farmers Market.

It was the realization that they were spending a lot of money on having the meat butchered by a third party that made the Meniuses decide to open Carolina Craft Butchery in Davidson. As a result, Davidson locals now have better access to a wide variety of locally grown meat.

“We’re all locally sourced,” Lee Menius in an interview with the Herald Citizen. “Everything we bring in comes from our farm or is grown locally.”

Uplifting local farmers

It took the Meniuses some time to build and launch Carolina Craft Butchery, but now they’re well into their first year and the community is becoming more and more familiar with the establishment.

Every day, Carolina Craft Butchery welcomes a crowd of locals eager to sample their products. They rely on these customers to spread the word about the butchery. It seems to be an effective method, as the butchery continues to add to its customer base.

“I think it’s something that’s really nice for the community to have,” Karen Fowler, a butcher at Carolina Craft Butchery, told the Herald Citizen.

“It’s going good,” Domisty added.

Carolina Craft Butchery’s success wouldn’t be possible without the help of their business partners, as well as the local farming community that they try to support. In fact, the business has expanded their offerings and included sauces, pickles, corn meal, and grits, which all come from farmers they know.

So what makes buying your meat from Carolina Craft Butchery different? For one, you get to learn where the meat came from – if you’re buying ground beef, for example, they can even tell you if it came from one cow or several. This is especially helpful if you’re trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle that supports the local community.

Knowing where your food comes from is an integral part of understanding food production, which in turn will help you make better choices. And of course, when you buy at Carolina Craft Butchery, there’s that added bonus of guaranteed freshness.

Customers also have more freedom when it comes to choosing cuts of meat. “You have the opportunity to get anything you can possibly want,” said Fowler.

Visit Carolina Craft Butchery

Carolina Craft Brewery is located at 605 B Jetton Street, Davidson, NC. You can visit their website at for more information.

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